Client Name

Mr and Mrs Layne


St Albans


Art Studio


21.5m2 internal space
8.5m by 3.5m (at widest point)


"Very happy with the build. The guys worked incredibly hard whilst showing real attention to detail and pride in their work."


Studios like this demonstrate how truly innovative and bespoke we, at Garden Spaces, are. Our client wanted to build an acoustically well insulated music studio in which to enjoy jamming with his friends or simply playing and recording, himself. Clearly a creative family, his wife was an artist and so it was hoped the studio could fulfill a secondary role as an art studio. The space available was exceptionally tight, partially down the side of the house and partially in the rear garden but wedged behind a wooden pergola. Our highly skilled build team love a challenge!


The construction of our buildings lend itself to excellent thermal and acoustic efficiency Glass however has very poor acoustic insulation properties and so we aim to minimise glazing when designing a sound studio. Artists generally need plenty of natural light, to work. You can see the dilemma. Our experienced designer was not perturbed. After a thorough site survey he, in collaboration with our clients, designed this unique studio that not only looks sleek and makes best use of the limited space but fulfills both its roles brilliantly.
We offer two acoustic packages plus a plethora of acoustic enhancements such as acoustic glazing and sound blocks. Further details can be found on our website under 'extras' / 'acoustic solutions'. Our client choose the gold package which includes silent board for the walls, a double layer of acoustic plaster board for the ceiling and 15mm thick 'quiet floor plus' for the floor. In addition they opted for acoustic glazing to allow the much needed natural light without compromising the acoustic insulation.
As the photographs reveal, the shape was not conventional. The section down the side of the house needed to leave enough room for a passageway and at the other end the building was tapered to accommodate the pergola. The French doors and window are in powder coated aluminium (anthracite grey RAL 7016) and running above the window and doors and down the side nearest the house, was a roof overhang housing 7 down lighters, giving the budding rock stars a lit pathway to their sound studio! In addition a PIR light fitted to the right of the French doors gives further safety when stepping up to the studio and security.
Internally the 'antique oak' was chosen from our range of colours for the 10mm laminate flooring and overhead 11 down lighters compensated for the reduction in glazing. Power was cabled from the main board of the house by our electrician (who certifies all work in accordance with Part P regulations), as was wireless board band.
This is one of many of our truly bespoke function-specific studios and we wish our clients many happy creative decades of use.