Client Name

Mr & Mrs Smith




Garden Office


Cusom Helix (Old Model) - Studio Right 4x3


The support and flexibility of the Garden Spaces team in relation to the build and the price for extras was fantastic. All queries were effectively dealt with and with a huge respect for our thoughts and needs. Very professional throughout the whole build " fantastic and good at making themselves discreet around the home and garden when needed. It has exceeded our hopes in terms of space achieved and finish achieved " Thanks!
We would highly recommend Garden Spaces from start to finish. The quality of the building is fantastic, the speed in which it is built and the minimal impact on your life during the build is superb. If I ever move and need a similar space I know where to come!


Having carried out an initial free site survey prior to the design and installation of a garden office we were contacted by the client and told they had decided to move home and would therefore not be going ahead. Naturally we were sorry to hear this was the case but offered to quote for the building anyway having already prepared the details for them.
We thought this would be where the project would end but were contacted by the client some months later to learn that the sale of their home had fallen through and they were considering staying in the property assuming more space could be provided.
The family were keen to have a space where they could unwind after work, watch tv or read in peace. The space would also be used in the day for home working and so would need to be suitable for use as an office too.
A toilet area was specified which the client chose to fit out themselves.


The cedar cladding used in this building was a chosen by the client and was in keeping with an existing area of decking, some of which was removed to site the new office.
We arranged with an electrician for an existing garden power supply to be tested for suitability and once approved were able to use this to power the lighting and internal power sockets. Making use of existing power is one way we help meet tight budgets and we can often use existing foundations or integrate suitable heating systems.
Again as a way of saving on costs the toilet area did not include full waste and water supplies with the client instead opting for a modern chemical toilet. The new range of chemical toilets are simple to install and while we usually opt for a fully plumbed system they now very suitable for rooms with less frequent usage.